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Version Activity Type Editor/Date Summary
52 Edit

Doylesville lol

51 Edit

Added recent history from Wikipedia

50 Edit

added Pink's birthplace

49 Edit

Added BBCode

48 Edit
47 Edit
46 Edit

revert spam

44 Revert

revert spam

45 Edit
44 Edit
43 Edit

Quickly just made !nk, P!nk. Simple typo fixed.

42 Edit

Added recent work

41 Edit
40 Edit
39 Edit

++syntax ++bbcode --fluff --link-farming

38 Edit

Added some detail for P!nk's latest album "The Truth About Love"


Unlocked by tdhooper

37 Edit

Locked by IRONICtypo

34 Revert

rmv copyright infringement

36 Edit
35 Edit


34 Edit
33 Edit
32 Edit
30 Revert

no reason to replace with wiki

31 Edit
30 Edit
29 Edit

changed refrences of Pink to P!nk

28 Edit
27 Edit
26 Edit
25 Edit
24 Edit

tidy up, removal of redundant links, removal of irrelevant and unsourced content

22 Revert
23 Edit
22 Edit

Minor changes to previous edits; deleted visible BBCode as not compatible with artist's bio. page.

21 Edit

Corrected various syntactic errors & added final "END NOTE" on friendship between artist & queer TV talk show host, Ellen Degeneres.

20 Edit
19 Edit
18 Edit
17 Edit
16 Edit
15 Edit
14 Edit
13 Edit
12 Edit
11 Edit
10 Edit

update 2008

9 Edit

API Calls